Grace Conjar

Account Manager

Grace Conjar headshot

What is your proudest moment?
One of my proudest moments was being able to dedicate my time to DWELL Mobile, a refugee program. I loved being able to spend time with the kids and create unforgettable experiences that some have never had before.

Do you have any skills, talents, or hobbies that most people don’t know about?
My friends and family say that I make a great batch of cookies or brownies.

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?
Going down to Mobile Alabama with my friends to visit everyone back at Spring Hill.

When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was younger, I wanted to be a pediatric doctor.

What’s the most exciting thing on your bucket list?
My bucket list consists of traveling around the world, specifically to Croatia, Greece, and Ireland.

What are you complimented on most in your work?
I am complimented most for going beyond expectations, my eagerness to try new things, and being a team player who is always willing to help out.

Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
My favorite place to go every year is my entire extended family vacation in a small town in Wisconsin. My family has been going to the same place for over 25 years.

What’s your favorite thing about your city (Chicago)?
My favorite thing about Chicago and the Southside of Chicago is the sense of community and everyone’s willingness to always be there for each other.

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