Where did you grow up? Houston, Texas
What is your proudest moment? (work or personal) Pitching a successful media plan to Dell and the Alienware team in my capstone course!
Do you have any skills, talents, or hobbies that most people don’t know about? I’m a huge tennis player and I love to grill. I used to be an avid filmmaker.
If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? (Don’t overthink it!) Somewhere in Colorado. I love the summer in the mountains.
When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? A paleontologist. Jurassic Park functioned as a career advertisement.
How do you think your colleagues would describe you? Energetic.
What’s the most exciting thing on your bucket list? I’ve got all the travel spots on my list but going to an NBA Finals game.
What are you complimented on most in your work? Probably my desire to take on new tasks! I’m always willing to help where I can.
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled? Boston, I loved the seafood and views. Will probably change when I leave North America.
What’s your favorite bar or restaurant in your city (Houston)? Restaurant would be La Hacienda! It’s nothing special, but I’ve gone nearly every weekend I’ve been home since I was 12.
What’s your favorite thing about your city (Houston)? The food scene for sure. Houston has everything and it’s GOOD.
What’s your go-to Karaoke song? I change my answer every time I’m asked this question, so I’ll say Hotel California.