Scooter Heath

Chief Financial Officer

Scooter Heath headshot

Where did you grow up? Dallas, TX

What company (or companies) did you work at before Scale? PricewaterhouseCoopers and The Richards Group

Do you have any skills, talents, or hobbies that most people don’t know about? I play bass, guitar, and (attempt) the pedal steel guitar (but it’s harder than Accounting)

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? (Don’t overthink it!) Playing with my kiddos or in the mountains

When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? A rockstar

Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me… Cooking breakfast with my kids

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working? Other than playing with my kiddos, playing music or catching some live music

What are you complimented on most in your work? My love of Accounting and my documentation in my workpapers

Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled? Recently? Banf.

What’s your go-to Karaoke song? Let it Go

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